Watch: Collective Voice hosts webinar with Dame Carol Black

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Dame Carol Black has called for a whole-system approach to drug harms

On Monday 12 July 2021 Collective Voice hosted a webinar with Dame Carol Black on the second part of her landmark independent review of drugs. We also heard from Rosanna O’Connor, Interim Director for Health Improvement at Public Health England.

Dame Carol’s report builds on the first part of her review, turning from its focus on drugs markets to treatment, recovery and prevention. The report makes 32 wide-ranging recommendations that call for a whole-system approach to drug harms through radical reform of leadership, funding and commissioning. Collective Voice welcomed the report in its joint response with the NHS APA, the ESUCG and Adfam. Our members also individually responded to the report.

A full recording of the event is available on Youtube.

You can also download Rosanna’s presentation.

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Collective Voice is the national charity working to improve England’s drug and alcohol treatment and recovery systems