Paul Hayes

What about women?

This is the second in a series of blog posts discussing topics raised at the recent Drug Strategy Implementation Events which Collective Voice delivered on

Welcoming Changing Lives

Changing Lives has become a member of Collective Voice. Based in Gateshead, Changing Lives delivers a range of services for marginalised populations and individuals in

Where’s the alcohol?

Last month, Collective Voice delivered a series of events on behalf of the Home Office to assist the implementation of the Government’s 2017 Drug Strategy.

Mechanics of localism: thinking anew

“One of the Government’s most fundamental roles is to protect the most vulnerable people in our society.” In difficult times, I felt a tinge of

Drug Strategy Implementation Events

Collective Voice, the NHS Substance Misuse Provider Alliance and the Home Office are hosting a series of events around the country to engage with the


Collective Voice is the national charity working to improve England’s drug and alcohol treatment and recovery systems