Commissioners’ Group publishes annual report

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The English Substance Use Commissioners’ Group was set up in 2020 as a strategic and supportive
forum to bring together those with commissioning responsibility for substance use services, for
improved population and individual level outcomes relating to the use of alcohol and other drugs.

The ESUCG has grown rapidly, as demonstrated in its recently published annual report for 2020/21. The Group now has a membership of over 170 substance use leads; an Executive Committee; working groups on Tier 4, criminal justice and multiple complex needs, and drug-related deaths; and strong links with other strategic partners across the system.

We responded jointly with ESUCG and other system partners to the government’s recent funding announcement and Drugs Strategy, and look forward to continuing engaging with commissioners in 2022.

The ESUCG has produced a one-page flyer explaining the group’s purpose and governance, and how commissioners can join.

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Collective Voice is the national charity working to improve England’s drug and alcohol treatment and recovery systems