Collective Voice endorses the new Alcohol Charter

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Last night saw the launch of the Alcohol Charter published by the Drugs, Alcohol & Justice Cross-Party Parliamentary Group and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Alcohol Harm.  It calls on the Government to introduce evidence-based measures to reduce the damage caused by alcohol to both individuals and communities.

Collective Voice is one of thirty organisations to endorse the Charter.

While funding for drug treatment was increased in the early part of this century to begin to meet the needs of people dependent on drugs, funding for alcohol treatment services has remained almost unchanged. With less than one in five people needing specialist treatment for alcohol dependence actually getting it, we welcome the call for a levy on alcohol duties in order to fund treatment services. This is something we supported in our 2018 Budget Representation.

The evidence on which the Charter is based makes a strong and detailed case for Government action.  It comes at a time when the Government has set itself the task of developing a new Alcohol Strategy. We hope that the Government takes note and delivers an ambitious strategy and the comprehensive, evidence-based treatment system this country needs.

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Collective Voice is the national charity working to improve England’s drug and alcohol treatment and recovery systems